MacFormat España 20
Sprite Animation Toolkit 2.3.8
SAT Think Lib ƒ
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277 lines
unit SAT;
Types, QuickDraw, Icons; {Icons assume UPI}
SATPort = record
port: GrafPtr; {GrafPtr/WindowPtr, use for SetPort, ShowWindow…}
device: GDHandle; {Internal}
rows: Ptr; {Internal}
bounds: Rect; {Internal}
baseAddr: Ptr; {Internal}
rowBytes: Integer; {Internal}
SATPortPtr = ^SATPort;
FacePtr = ^Face;
Face = record
colorData: Ptr;
resNum: integer;
iconMask: BitMap;
rowBytes: integer;
next: FacePtr;
maskRgn: RgnHandle;
rows, maskRows: Ptr;
redrawProc: ProcPtr; {Called on depth changes, not needed if loaded from a cicn}
drawProc: ProcPtr; {Called to draw the face (usually nil)}
SpritePtr = ^Sprite;
Sprite = record
{ Variables that you should change as appropriate }
kind: Integer; { Used for identification. >0: friend. <0 foe }
position: Point;
hotRect, hotRect2: Rect; { Tells how large the sprite is; hotRect is centered around origo }
{hotRect is set by you. hotRect2 is offset to the current position.}
face: FacePtr; { Pointer to the Face (appearance) to be used. }
task: ProcPtr; { Callback-routine, called once per frame. If task=nil, the sprite is removed. }
hitTask: ProcPtr; { Callback in collisions. }
destructTask: ProcPtr; { Called when a sprite is disposed. (Usually nil.) }
clip: RgnHandle; {Clip region to be used when this sprite is drawn.}
{ SAT variables that you shouldn't change: }
oldpos: Point; {Used by RunSAT2}
next, prev: SpritePtr; {You may change them in your own sorting routine, but be careful if you do.}
r, oldr: Rect; {Rectangle telling where to draw. Avoid messing with it.}
oldFace: FacePtr; {Used by RunSAT2}
dirty: Boolean; {Used by RunSAT2}
{Variables for internal use by the sprites. Use as you please. Edit as necessary - this is merely a default}
{set, enough space for most cases - but if you change the size of the record, call SetSpriteSize immediately}
{after initializing (before any sprites are created)!}
layer: integer; {For layer-sorting. When not used for that, use freely.}
speed: Point; { Can be used for speed, but not necessarily. }
mode: integer; { Usually used for different modes and/or to determine what image to show next. }
appPtr: Ptr; {Pointer for use by the application - i.e. pointer to extra data}
appLong: Longint; {Longint for free use by the application.}
{Type for SATs pattern utilities.}
SATPattern = record
patternType: integer; {1 = Pattern, PatHandle, 2 = PixPat, PixPatHandle}
thePat: PixPatHandle; {or PatHandle}
end; {record}
SATPatPtr = ^SATPattern;
SATPatHandle = ^SATPatPtr;
{Update list. Used internally}
UpdatePtr = ^UpdateRec;
UpdateRec = record
updateRect: Rect;
next: UpdatePtr;
{The globals record. Some fields are important for you. These are marked with *}
SATglobalsRec = record
wind: SATPort; {*The window that SAT draws in. You get the WindowPtr as gSAT.wind.port}
offSizeH, offSizeV: integer; {*Offscreen size, used to limit sprite positions}
offScreen: SATPort; {*Offscreen image }
backScreen: SATPort; {*Background image }
ox, oy: longint; {Internal}
pict, bwpict: integer; {PICT id's}
fitThePICTs: boolean; {Resize PICTs to fit?}
sorting: integer; {Chosen sorting}
collision: integer; {Chosen collision handling}
searchWidth: integer; {Chosen search width}
screen: PixMapHandle; {Internal}
bounds: Rect; {Internal}
initDepth: Integer; {*Depth at last icon initialization}
synchHook: ProcPtr; {Synch procedure}
sRoot: SpritePtr; {Sprite list root}
updateRoot: UpdatePtr; {Update list root}
anyMonsters: Boolean; {*False when no sprites with kind < -1 are active }
ditherOff: CGrafPtr; {Internal}
ditherOffGD: GDHandle; {Internal}
iconPort: SATPort; {Internal}
iconPort2: SATPort; {Internal}
bwIconPort: GrafPtr; {Internal}
{Environment-independent globals:}
faceRoot: FacePtr; {Root of face list}
colorFlag: Boolean; {True if color QuickDraw is available.}
mmuMode: SignedByte; {Addressing mode}
{Blitters! You should not change these fields yourself. (Possibly for installing a blitter in your program code.)}
rectBlit1, maskBlit1: ProcPtr; {Supplied - this is either RBlt/MBlt 0 or 1}
rectBlit2, maskBlit2: ProcPtr; {Will probably never be used}
rectBlit4, maskBlit4: ProcPtr; {Supplied}
rectBlit8, maskBlit8: ProcPtr; {Supplied}
rectBlit16, maskBlit16: ProcPtr; {Not supplied}
rectBlit32, maskBlit32: ProcPtr; {Not supplied}
curRectBlit, curMaskBlit: ProcPtr; {Currently selected fast blitter}
screenLocalDrawingArea: Rect;
trashList: SpritePtr;
{Configuration types: VPositionSort and KindCollision are defaults.}
{Sorting options}
kVPositionSort = 0;
kLayerSort = 1;
kNoSort = 2;
{Collision detection options}
kKindCollision = 0;
kForwardCollision = 1;
kBackwardCollision = 2;
kNoCollision = 3;
kForwardOneCollision = 4;
gSAT: SATglobalsRec;
external; {Most globals in a record. See above.}
gSATSoundErrorProc: ProcPtr;
external; {Pointer to procedure to call on sound error.}
gSAT: SATglobalsRec; {Most globals in a record. See above.}
gSATSoundErrorProc: ProcPtr; {Pointer to procedure to call on sound error.}
{Initializing and customizing}
procedure SATConfigure (PICTfit: boolean; newSorting, newCollision, searchWidth: integer);
procedure SATInit (pictID, bwpictID, Xsize, Ysize: integer);
procedure SATCustomInit (pictID, bwpictID: integer; var SATdrawingArea: Rect; {}
preloadedWind: WindowPtr; chosenScreen: GDHandle; useMenuBar, {}
centerDrawingArea, fillScreen, dither4bit, beSmart: Boolean);
{Maintainance, background manipulation etc.}
function SATDepthChangeTest: Boolean;
procedure SATDrawPICTs (pictID, bwpictID: integer);
procedure SATRedraw;
procedure SATPlotFace (theFace: FacePtr; theGrafPtr: SATPortPtr; where: Point; Fast: boolean);
procedure SATPlotFaceToScreen (theFace: FacePtr; where: Point; Fast: boolean);
{SATCopybits is now only done with a CopyBits - so it's really obsolete.}
procedure SATCopyBits (src, dest: SATPortPtr; {}
var srcRect, destRect: Rect; fast: Boolean);
procedure SATCopyBitsToScreen (src: SATPortPtr; var srcRect, destRect: Rect; fast: Boolean);
procedure SATBackChanged (var r: Rect); {Tell SAT about changes in backScreen}
{SetPort replacements}
procedure SATGetPort (var port: SATPort);
procedure SATSetPort (var port: SATPort);
procedure SATSetPortOffScreen; {Use before using QuickDraw on offScreen}
procedure SATSetPortBackScreen; {Use before using QuickDraw on backScreen}
procedure SATSetPortScreen; {Use to set port to gSAT.wind}
{Basic sprite handling}
function SATGetFace (resNum: integer): FacePtr;
procedure SATDisposeFace (theFace: FacePtr);
function SATNewSprite (kind, hpos, vpos: integer; setup: ProcPtr): SpritePtr;
function SATNewSpriteAfter (afterthis: SpritePtr; kind, hpos, vpos: integer; setup: ProcPtr): SpritePtr;
procedure SATKillSprite (who: Spriteptr);
procedure SATRun (fast: Boolean); {The heart of the whole package!}
procedure SATRun2 (fast: Boolean); {Alternate routine for allowing resting sprites}
{Special functions for advanced programmers}
procedure SATInstallSynch (theSynchProc: ProcPtr);
procedure SATInstallEmergency (theEmergencyProc: ProcPtr);
procedure SATSetSpriteRecSize (theSize: longint);
procedure SATSkip;
procedure SATKill; {Dispose of offscreen buffers to allow re-init}
procedure SATWindMoved;
{Offscreen - use only if you need an *extra* offscreen buffer. These calls are likely to change in the future!}
procedure SATMakeOffscreen (var portP: SATPort; var rectP: Rect); {Make offscreen buffer in current screen depth and CLUT.}
procedure SATDisposeOffScreen (var portP: SATPort); {Get rid of offscreen}
function CreateOffScreen (var bounds: Rect; depth: Integer; colors: CTabHandle; var retPort: CGrafPtr; var retGDevice: GDHandle): OSErr; {From Principia Offscreen - color only}
procedure DisposeOffScreen (doomedPort: CGrafPtr; doomedGDevice: GDHandle);{From Principia Offscreen - color only}
{Face manipulation (for advanced programmers)}
procedure SATSetPortMask (theFace: FacePtr);
procedure SATSetPortFace (theFace: FacePtr);
procedure SATSetPortFace2 (theFace: FacePtr);
function SATNewFace (var faceBounds: Rect): FacePtr;
procedure SATChangedFace (theFace: FacePtr);
{New procedures, EXPERIMENTAL, intended for making a C++ interface}
function SATGetFacePP (resNum: integer; fStorage: Ptr): FacePtr;
function SATNewSpritePP (afterthis: SpritePtr; sStorage: Ptr; theKind, hpos, vpos: integer; setup: ProcPtr): SpritePtr;
procedure SATCopySprite (destSprite: SpritePtr; srcSprite: SpritePtr);
function SATNewFacePP (var faceBounds: Rect; fStorage: Ptr): FacePtr;
procedure SATCopyFace (destFace: FacePtr; srcFace: FacePtr);
procedure SATDisposeFacePP (theFace: FacePtr);
{Cicn utilities}
function SATGetCicn (cicnId: integer): CIconHandle;
procedure SATPlotCicn (theCicn: CIconHandle; dest: GrafPtr; destGD: GDHandle; var r: Rect); {Borde jag lägga till device?}
procedure SATDisposeCicn (theCicn: CIconHandle);
procedure SATSetStrings (ok, yes, no, quit, memerr, noscreen, nopict, nowind: Str255);
function SATTrapAvailable (theTrap: Integer): Boolean;
procedure SATDrawInt (i: integer);
procedure SATDrawLong (l: longint);
function SATRand (n: integer): integer;
function SATRand10: integer;
function SATRand100: integer;
procedure SATReportStr (str: str255);
function SATQuestionStr (str: str255): Boolean;
function SATFakeAlert (s1, s2, s3, s4: Str255; nButtons, defButton, cancelButton: integer;{}
t1, t2, t3: Str255): integer;
procedure CheckNoMem (p: Ptr); {If the Ptr is nil, out of memory emergency exit}
procedure SATSetMouse (where: point);
procedure SATInitToolbox;
procedure SATGetVersion (var versionString: Str255);
{Pattern utilities}
procedure SATPenPat (SATpat: SATPatHandle);
procedure SATBackPat (SATpat: SATPatHandle);
function SATGetPat (patID: integer): SATPatHandle;
procedure SATDisposePat (SATpat: SATPatHandle);
{Menu bar utilities}
procedure SATShowMBar (wind: WindowPtr);
procedure SATHideMBar (wind: WindowPtr);
{PICT utilities}
procedure SATGetandDrawPICTRes (id: integer);
procedure SATGetandDrawPICTResInRect (id: integer; var frame: Rect);
procedure SATGetandCenterPICTResInRect (id: integer; var frame: Rect);
procedure SATSoundInit; {Called from SATInit}
procedure SATSoundPlay (theSound: Handle; priority: Integer; canWait: Boolean);
procedure SATSoundEvents; {Call this once in a while when not calling SATRun often}
procedure SATSoundShutup; {Silence, dispose of sound channel}
procedure SATSoundOn;
procedure SATSoundOff;
function SATSoundDone: Boolean; {Any sound going on ?}
function SATGetSound (sndId: Integer): Handle; { To load a sound and get a handle for SATSoundPlay }
function SATGetNamedSound (name: Str255): Handle; { Same but using resource names }
procedure SATDisposeSound (theSnd: handle);
{Multi-channel sound routines}
function SATSoundInitChannels (num: integer): integer;
function SATSoundDoneChannel (chanNum: integer): Boolean;
procedure SATSoundPlayChannel (theSound: Handle; chanNum: integer);
procedure SATSoundReserveChannel (chanNum: integer; reserve: Boolean);
procedure SATSoundShutupChannel (chanNum: integer);
procedure SATPreloadChannels;
{Experimental, likely to be renamed/removed/changed:}
procedure SATSoundPlay2 (theSound: Handle; priority: integer; canWait, skipIfSame: Boolean);
procedure SATSoundPlayEasy (theSound: Handle; canWait: Boolean);
{More multi-channel:}
function SATGetNumChannels: integer;
function SATGetChannel (chanNum: integer): Ptr;
procedure SATSetSoundInitParams (params: Longint);
function SATStepScroll (viewPoint: Point; marginH, marginV, scrollSpeed: Integer): Boolean;